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Hi! Welcome to issue #4 of my newsletter - I'm Glad You Asked. Below you'll find a bunch of stuff you didn't ask for, but will hopefully enjoy.

We'll start with some WordPress news and stuff you should add to your calendar. I'll list out some of my favorite resources and reads from the past few weeks. Following that, the newest stuff I've been up to and we'll wrap up with a mindset challenge.

Let's get started!

P.S. This email is a place of love and light so we will not be mentioning the B******p issue here, thank you.

🗣 What's the newest inside Gutenberg 10.5?

Everyones favorite page builder has some new bells and whistles. They include new block patterns, improvements to widgets in the customizer, and more. Have you played with it yet?

🗣 Get ready for the next generation of Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms 2.5 is now available and includes updates to accessibility, drag and drop control, and more. How do you like the new version?

🗣Who's afraid of a little competition?

The community is debating whether WordCamps and meetups should accept sponsors, organizers, and speakers who compete against WP. What do you think?

🔗 My Favorite Links

Here are some of my favorite links from the past few weeks. Some is WordPress related, some isn't. But hopefully there's something cool in here you can use!

A reminder that the safety and peace of mind of our fellow human beings is not political and I have no qualms about including it in this newsletter. (Source)

👩🏾‍💻 Newest From Me

This isn't my first rodeo.
In case you didn't know, I freelanced for quite a few years before finding my way to the WordPress community. I build websites and provided maintenance. Now that I'm back to freelancing, I am adopting lots of my old systems. Here is my guide to Admin Day!

It's all coming full circle.
I remember early in my WordPress career, one of my goals was to work for Automattic one day. I have abandoned that goal for others that fit me better. But recently, I have signed on as a contractor to write tutorial content for the blog! And honestly I couldn't think of a better way to honor past-me by pseudo-fulfilling her dream. Don't worry - I'll be sure to share that post when it's out!

Some personal recs:
📺 Mortal Kombat (2021)
🎶 Jackson by Trixie Mattel vs Orville Peck
🥣 Tofu Katsu
📖 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

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💌 A Challenge

So this is the part of the newsletter where I provide a mindset challenge for you to focus on until my next issue. This is something I am currently working on myself.

Time really does heal all wounds. I know it's corny, but I believe it and it's honestly one of my biggest coping mechanisms.

My favorite thing to do when I'm sad or angry or lost is to imagine how I will feel about this moment in 6 months, 1 year, 10 years. Chances are I won't even remember it! Or if I do, it will be with the knowledge that it all sorted itself out.

I know this method works because it has worked for almost 30 years so far. I can sit here and think back on all the horrible moments of my life and what do they all have in common? They are over and I don't feel that pain anymore.

This is why it's helpful for me to have a record of my life. Some people shit on social media and the habit of documenting every little thing. But I love being able to look back and remember what I felt and where I've been, physically and emotionally. It provides some much needed perspective and shows how much I've grown, even if I feel stuck in that particular moment.

I challenge you to look back on your life 1, 5, 10 years ago. Look at photos, read old blog posts or journals, watch old videos. Listen to the music you loved then. Remember the times you felt pain or anger or helplessness. And give yourself a hug for making it through each and every time.

So that's your challenge! I'm glad you asked!
xoxo Allie

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