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Hi! Welcome to issue #3 of my newsletter - I'm Glad You Asked. Below you'll find a bunch of stuff you didn't ask for, but will hopefully enjoy.

We'll start with some WordPress news and stuff you should add to your calendar. I'll list out some of my favorite resources and reads from the past few weeks. Following that, the newest stuff I've been up to and we'll wrap up with a mindset challenge.

Let's get started!

🗣 Wix or Wixout You

Unless you've been under a rock, you've probably heard about Wix's most recent attempts to get attention. I found the whole thing pretty pathetic, up to and including the back and forth between WordPress and CEO via scathing blog posts. What are your thoughts?

🗣 CMX Spark

One of the most popular brands right now leading the discussion on community management hosted CMX Spark this week! Speakers included WP household names like Angela Jin and Mary Job! If you are interested in community building, this event is a can't miss!

🗣 Hello Full-Site Editing

On the edge of your seat for full-site editing through Gutenberg? Same. Read Josepha Haden's full site editing scope for WordPress 5.8 - April is full of new updates and demos for this awesome update.

📆 WordCamp Europe 2021

Looking for ways to get involved with WCEU2021? Calls for speakers, workshops, and media partners are still open! I personally will be applying to speak, since this may be the only year I can actually attend!

📆 WP Houston Meetup

Join the WordPress Houston community from wherever you are in the world to learn about building custom user experiencing with Gutenberg and WP Roles! If you build sites for clients, this is some great content.

📆 GoDaddy Pro Expand

Yes, I know, I mentioned this event in my last newsletter. But the link was incorrect! And there is still time to join in on the fun! I'm pretty excited for Jean Perpillant's session on perfecting your project stack.

🔗 My Favorite Links

Here are some of my favorite links from the past few weeks. Some is WordPress related, some isn't. But hopefully there's something cool in here you can use!

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👩🏾‍💻 Newest From Me

*tap tap* Is this thing on?
I've recently decided to only take on work that sounds fun. And only for as long as it remains fun. A perfect example - The Open Source Economist. It's a new podcast hosted by my good friend Christie Chirinos. And I'm co-producing and editing it!

Reel 'em in...
I'm circling back to the kind of performance work I did as a theater kid - voice acting! I am putting together my first full reel, which includes samples of fiction and non-fiction. If you need someone to narrate your audio book, introduce your podcast series, or voice your instructional videos - let's chat!

Some personal recs:
📺 A Room With A View
🎶 Tycho
🥣 Pierogies
📖 Dark Stories by Shirley Jackson

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Enjoying this newsletter? Help me fuel it by supporting my caffeine addition - uhh, habit. No, no, requirement. Interest?

💌 A Challenge

So this is the part of the newsletter where I provide a mindset challenge for you to focus on until my next issue. This is something I am currently working on myself.

You are older now than you ever have been. I'm not trying to make you feel old, but to remind you that you have accomplished so much! And still, I'm sure there are things you'd like to do.

Recently, I started reading The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. I'd tried reading it a bunch of times before - in high school and in college - but could never get into it. I was never sure why. But I recently picked it up again and immediately fell into it. I haven't been able to put it down!

This week, I challenge you to think back a time in your past when you failed at something... and give it another try! You are older and wiser than you were then, and chances are, that thing isn't nearly as difficult or scary as you remember.

So that's your challenge! I'm glad you asked!
xoxo Allie

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